
First day is now over.

The trip has now officially started.

03.01.09... the first day is now almost over.

It was a very long yet very short day.
Drove 360 miles, which is not so bad. Since we are estimating about 20,000 of driving I'll do.

It also was a very meaningful day
44th anniversary of the Holy Ground.
that meant so much to me.... because that's the foundation....
without the foundation, there can't be anything built on top of it.
Just like I want to create a good foundation of my life.
For my self, and also for my other half (someday I'll meet)

On the way to Austin,
I have spotted a beautiful ranch on the side of the highway
Justin and I both wanted to stop. And we had a luxury of time to stop whenever we want to
so we pulled our car into property.
I was very scared... and a bit nervous.... to go ask....
what if the person inside the house is an old and grumpy man with a rifles on his hand.....
so we rang the door bell, an old man came out.
But he was nothing I have pictured.
small, has big beer belly, very big and wise eyes...

"Hello sir, you have an amazing ranch and we were wondering if we could go near and take some photographs"

he said go right ahead,

the place was amazing... what a heaven it was... two small ponds and in between those two, there was a huge oak tree....
the sky was bright and clear, the water was sparkling...
the wind was breezing very softly at us...
I wouldn't mind living by that place...

Something I have always wanted... get a land, have some animals living on the property, have a house in the middle and have some water going through...

going back to the property,
the old man came out with a mug of coffee on his hand.. still a very warm face, nice friendly smile...
I showed him my book. He seemed interested and happy... thinking I was giving it to him. haha... I wanted to... but only have few copies on me so...

I asked him if I can get his name and address so I can send him some copies of pictures I took from his place.

Joon- "Sir, what's your name?"
Mr.- "Charlie Pavlas, I'm a Czech"

Joon- "How long have you been here?"
Mr. Pavlas- "Too long, I'll die here"

Charlie Pavlas, living on the side of Highway 35S.
I won't forget about him... the way he said Czech....
and the fact he said he's been living there too long and wants to die there... made me think.
He has been living there for about 20 years or more.... how lonely would he be?
He didn't want to live in the city, maybe because that area he's living is where lots of Czechs live. or... maybe he just loves the quite and peaceful area he has...

I'm 22 years old... the longest place I've lived is Dallas... and I can't wait to get out and see more things..
maybe it's the age difference....
or it's the love he has to the place... someone saying they want to die at a place.... that shows so much love and attachment.
To live at one place and end at the same place...

czech stop! a must place to go on the way to Austin from Dallas...

Anyhow, I'll come back and visit him when I get back to Texas. I'll maybe than have an extra copy of book to give to him and take his photograph. Learn something more...

We'll See....

p.s. Don't have a photoshop installed on this computer so I don't have any photos to upload but as soon as I get it up and going... than that's photo time!

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