
It's always the one good thing.

14/100 (03.14.09) - afternoon.

my first impression of DC was horrible
we drove 1,300 miles...
got here around 11:50 PM Friday...

the traffic was ridiculous.
it's mid night!!!
people need to go home and sleep! not driving around at mid night!

the road condition was terrible.
it was the worst road I've ever driven on...
I've drove 6 hours straight.. and that last 10 minutes... it ruined everything.!
my car can't handle big bumps. no way. and I need my car for 85 more days...
so I was pretty upset about everything...

oh well

I don't think I'll ever have a good first impression of any places... haha

the best thing that Justin and I did here in DC area was meeting up with Ken Hernandez.
One of the best person you'll ever meet. and of the BEST LOOKING PERSON.
I've been telling him this for so long now...... he's a model material... haha
just like SeongWoo... hmmm
maybe I should send their photos to model agencies..... or not.. .haha

It's always nice to see a familiar face whenever I'm in a new place...
kinda feel comforting...
not just physically.. but more heartistically...

Just knowing that I'm not alone
that there's someone else that's with me at the moment feels amazing...

I think that's why I'm enjoying more
because Justin came with me.
if I came by my self... than I would probably have gone through or going through some hard depression.... questioning my self....
but since I have Justin to share the beauty of the world with... to share the excitement, to share the struggles... I'm growing even more... and learning even more...

Saturday morning around 11 A.M.
Justin and I drove out to Downtown DC to meet with Ken.
we drove through capitol rd. all the way to Capitol Building...
again.... it was Saturday morning but the traffic was horrible and the parking spot was non existing

met with Ken at the Washington Monument "Tall White Pointy Thingy"

we drove to where Ken is staying at
(by the way Ken is in USMC and stationed in DC. right now)
walked pass by Marine Barrack.
I was really excited to see Marine Barrack! (thought of a video game....) hahahaha

anyhow, we walked around Ken's neighborhood, and went into this restaurant called
"Match Box"

pretty fancy looking restaurant... and I saw pizza oven as we were walking upstairs.
'must have some good pizza here'

the Waitress greeted us
and started her little intro about specials and all...
she was mentioning about wine and we weren't so interested..
she goes "oh... sorry I have to mention it... ehhh" haha funny.
and goes on about her daily specials.. but guess what she forgot!!!
opens her lil check book with cheat sheets in them and started telling us about it again.
I didn't even listen... hmmm

that's how customers felt when I was trying to introduce new items to them... haha funny

we ordered a crab cake as an appetizer and order a large pie.- sausage and onion.
it was very very delicious!

better than Papa Johns' "CAJUN SHRIMP" -Only in Louisiana.
so we ordered one more large pie - match box meat
and again very very delicious!

so after lunch at pretty fancy pizza place.
we visited Ken's room. "Marine Base"

it was a different experience.
very different from the place I was imagining.
it was almost like a college dorm.
they had sink,
two beds, two desks, XBOX360.

Listening to his stories about his work was very interesting.
A Marine... that represents the Marines..
the Face of Marines...

it's always fascinating to learn something new and hear new things...

hope everything works out bro...
really. really. Good luck!

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