

42/100 (04.11.09)

Second day in Chicago...
Didn't get to see "CHICAGO" yet...
maybe I have...

It's very different from the cities I've been to so far.

People here seem very different

Just from the people I saw in the city...

Only thing that's similar to other cities are that

people are running

they are exercising

I have not seen anyone in Texas running

no.. I have

I have seen people running


People dress differently from NY or Boston...

it's so much colder and windy compare to other northern cities...


On the way to Chicago,

we made a stop at Indiana Dunes Park by the Lake Michigan

walking up to the beach at Lake Michigan was something else...

it was around 7:30 so we were able to see the sunset.

It was a very cloudy day... not the rainy cloud

but very soft cloud covering the sky

The sunset by the lake was gorgeous...

It wasn't extremely red - orange color of "SUNSET"

it was more of very light pastel baby blue - purple

very calming color...

color of mom...

I don't know if that even make any sense

but I thought of mom... looking at the sunset

someone who can understand everything and will just love you

all they would do is love you...

that was the feeling I had at the moment

very warm and gentle... hahahaha


the great lakes!!

big body of water...

and it was just fresh water!! LAKE!! not an ocean...

seeing that big water

but it didn't smell salty... not like ocean salt water...

haha I LOVE IT!!


so right now...

I'm sitting in a car at a park...

Justin's outside talking to his friend

and I was out there looking around...

I saw two little boys and their dad playing baseball...

what a great picture that is...

Dad playing with his kids on a weekend

that's something every little kid wants

I started to think of my childhood...

when I was those boys age... maybe between 7-10

those two little boys reminded me of my brother and I

older one (me) chubby not athletic at all

little one (my bro) fit, active, and very athletic.

only different thing was...

our dad wasn't around us to play with us...

to play catch with us...

that's something my brother and I wanted

to have dad with us on weekend or any days to play with us

but he was a very busy person

being a pastor... weekends are ofcourse the busiest for him

and during weekdays, he was outside witnessing, visiting members

all that pastor business....

So it was just my bro and I playing together

played catches with each other

we did everything together....

we were more like friends than brothers sometimes.. hahah

of course, we fought alot

but we were pretty tight

seeing those two boys were like looking at myself and my brother

I tried to play sports with him but he was always better than me

He was so much better and quick

I just couldn't be like him....

but I enjoyed that so much.

Because I had someone to play with

someone to spend time with...

that's my brother

up to now...

we do alot of things together

we sleep on the same bed haha

we always shared everything growing up

room of course

we used to wear same clothes

mom would go and buy a shirt for me but at the same time,

she would grab a exact same shirt but just a little smaller


and now...

we are almost same size so we do not have to buy two different size of

same clothing haha I would buy a shirt and that would be his

and his clothes will be mine



I've been having alot of time reflecting and thinking

but now it's time to go out and make work!

So tomorrow...

I'll ask people

I'll get at least two people to participate in my project

and... I'll have 100 people by end of this trip...

I promise...

so far I don't have many

but I will!

Once I'm in the zone of taking pictures and talking to people

I know I can work that magic!!

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