

36/100 (04.05.09)

Time for me to restart....


1/3 has passed

according to my plan... I should have 36 ppl added to my project... one person a day...


sadly.... I didn't get that many people so far....

I need to recharge myself, refuel myself....


Today was an amazing day....

I was honored to meet IJN again

hear her graceful voice

and listen to her amazing dreams and hopes...

gives me goosebumps every time I hear her speak.

"Best Kept Secret"

I want to be the person who can represent...

hearing lots of Jersey people speak gave me different perspective

it's definitely different compared to Texas.

but in a good way....

I enjoyed listening to them....

maybe that's why InJin Nim does it also...

different types of people with their own ideas of themselves... and dreams

I want to hear more....

I want to learn more....

more about people.... not just people around me but anybody I see....

I want to be able to read them... and hear them....

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