
The Trip is now over.

Today is 06.23.2009

It's been 23 days since I came home from my trip.

I had alot of time to think.. reflect about the whole trip.
from the beginning to the end of the trip.

what have I accomplished?
How do I feel about it now?

I don't know...

there's too much going on inside of my head right now.

While reflecting upon the trip
I couldn't really tell who I am. What I am. What I need to be. What I want to do.
I mean... I always knew... and still know What life is about.

but all of sudden.. right before I started to write this down....

I had to stop and ask "What is this thing we call life?"
what's the whole reason and purpose of living?

I know the answer for it. and I feel it. I understand with my brain and my heart.
but I had to ask one more time.

Just to remind myself... who I am, what I am, what I want to do, and what I need to do.

So... before the trip.
I told myself that I'll come up with 10 different theme.
take pictures of everything I eat, every where I go, photos of myself everymorning and all...
but, I don't think I really followed any of the things I said I would do.

I thought being on the road would be the easiest thing ever...
no plans were needed...
no destinations were needed.

I thought I could just do all as they come.
no need to worry about tomorrow.
but do things as they come.

I started the trip because I wanted to see more things

meet more people to learn about life and love
and get away from the routine that I had.
same thing over and over... day after day...

but soon enough...
I created a pattern for myself on the road...
I started to find things that were comfortable and easy...
Rather than challenging myself to do what I said I would do.

I found things that made the trip easier... 

made my physical body comfortable... 
and started to follow those.
I found myself being lazy... day after day...
because I didn't have anything that I had to do.

Might sound a little weird, but I had too much freedom
I could go out and take pictures if I wanted.
Or I could just stay at one place for hours and do nothing...

Even though I had same boring routine that I was following everyday at home...
I was going to some places at certain time. and do things in certain way.

but on the road...
it was basically me... all by myself... without anyone watching or telling me...

I started to ask questions to myself.
I started to ask questions that I already had answers to...
I just asked...
to see if I had any different answers for them.

but everytime I asked anything... the answers did not change.
I was just telling myself all the things I had known.
or maybe I was just trying to make myself feel better...
justifying my actions... and thoughts...

I don't know...

but every moment...
I couldn't stop thinking about possible miseries
I couldn't stop thinking about possible failures
I couldn't stop thinking about unknown mysteries that I will be facing.

I wanted to find out what was coming.
What's going to happen next...
I wanted to see the future...
I wanted to know if I can make everything I said I would..

Soon, I realized thinking about future is pointless.
and thinking too much won't solve or bring anything.
but, make one go crazy and dpressed.

Because everything I needed and need have always been right there infront of me.

the Present.

the gift I received everyday.

the fact that I was able to wake up and see another day
that's all I needed

I can't control the future
I can't change the past.

But, I can do things at the moment...

When I realized that... my trip became so much better.
It was 'gooder' than the average!

Took me awhile to actually realize and grasp what I was looking for
and that changed everything...

I started to see the beauty in every little thing.
I was able to feel happy and excited
as who I really am...
someone... who loves to laugh... loves to talk... and loves to see... and loves to meet people

It's rather hard for people to actually find something they love doing and do it everyday without regretting their decision.
and do it so they get so much joy out of it.

I know what I love doing...
that's to photograph.
photograph every moment of our lives...
happiness, sadness, love, hate, and everything that deals with our lives...
I've never regretted the decision I made to become a photographer.
and I am still in love with everything about it.

Everyday, I realized how challenging life can be.
Everyday, I realized how easy it is to misinterpret everything about everything.
But everyday, I realized how beautiful the life is because of all that.

and That's what I have understood on this trip.

to seize every opportunity I get to make myself better
to meet as many people I can to understand about love and life
to be grateful for every moment I receive to do things I enjoy doing.

my trip was becoming somewhat challenging in the middle...

but, the realization I had made everything clear..
I felt so delightful about the opportunity that I was given.
to be able to travel
and do what I love doing.

Traveling with my friend Justin helped me realize the importance of living together....
Living for the sake of the others.
Putting others before myself.

As challenging as it can be...
living with people is the most beautiful thing that one can ever experience.

The world does not revolve around just one person. never.
This life is not possible without everyone that we live with.
To have someone who you can share the beauty with
and to share the idea with is just too precious.

I was lucky to have such an amazing person to go on this trip with.
he taught me so much that I did not know about myself.
he taught me how to deal with situations that I've never had to deal with
he helped me grow as a person... to be able to understand the person as who they are.

Of course, sometimes I wish the person was someone special than a brother.

Meeting countless numbers of amazing people...
people with stories and amazing heart...
people with dreams and hopes...
that's one thing that I can't never be thankful enough of...

each person taught me something I've never realized.
everyone helped me appreciate the life that I have.
all the encouragement I've received helped me finish this trip.

and I'm looking forward to meet more people.
that's what I live my life for now...
to see the dreams and hopes of people come true...

Seeing all these amazing world that was given to us...
such as beautiful mountains, gorgeous rivers, clear skies, endless ocean....
and of course, the rain, snow, storm, and all the natural disasters that add contrasts to the creation
made me feel so humble about myself...
a very tiny thing compare to our mother nature...

I had nothing compare to them.

But, the mother nature provide us with everything we need to survive.
and give us the beauty in the most simple things.

Clear blue sky... after one horrific storm...
One puffy cloud... in big empty blue sky...
snow flakes falling down to cover the earth white...
Heavy rain to wash away all the dirt on the earth...
and bright sun to dry everything up to get a new fresh start.

from tiny clovers to gigantic redwoods...
God has created everything just for us to learn and enjoy...

I am very thankful that I was able to experience this beauty....

I am just a tiny person who has a big dream of becoming a photographer...

Now, the trip is over...
it's time for me to take a deep breathe and start something new.
something bigger than ever.

I had this opportunity to experience something not so many people have chance to.

It's time for me to give back everything I've received.
the love... the beauty... the life...

Now, I know who I am...
My name is SungJoon Koo
My dream is to become a photographer...
a photographer who will show people
the love... the beauty... and the life we are living...
to give each and everyone hope for the tomorrow
and help them realize what's really important in our lives.

Be grateful of what we have...
tomorrow will come after today...
and how good that tomorrow will be
can only be result by how good today is.

I won't let anyone stop me from doing what I love.
I'll take all the chances I get to fulfill what I love doing.
and be grateful that I have a brand new day to live.

This is what I have realized from my trip started
3month... 92 days... 03.01.09 ~ 05.31.09
I spent 1/4 of a year on the road...
and I've lived about 1/4 of my entire life...
so, I have 3/4 to go to fulfill everything.

I'm filled with exciment and joy that I'll be seeing.
I'm not scared or worried about the future anymore; but, ready to face anything that will come
because I'll own every moment I have and make them truly mine.

I'm the one who will control the future by appreciating present and love every moment.

and one day, I hope to do this with a special person.


48/100 (04.17.09)

Let's see....
it's 48th day of the trip

so what have I been doing so far?


Chicago was pretty sweet...

I met with Mr. Nagai and his family

a cute little family haha...

Mr. Nagai was the photographer for the church in early days

all the photos I saw on the posters and books... and all the stories....

Those were all his works...

It was my honor to actually meet with the person who has seen everything

that's something I have been wanting to see and feel for such a long time.

I really wanted to know what kind of feeling it was to be able to meet with TP

and hear them talk directly to me...

to be able to see them in person

very closely

and work directly for him and with him


but from those photographs Mr. Nagai has shown me...

I felt something

not just oh! that's where it was at...

Oh! that's what happened!

no... it was more of seeing in person...

I felt like I was in there with all the crowds

and seeing him and hearing him in person

That's something I've been feeling lately

I try to see my self in the images

and try to imagine how it was like to be a part of it


So, we drove from Chicago to St. Louis, MO

and now in Denver, CO

Spending couple days in St. Louis was pretty sweet.

I got to see my cousin and his wife

had good talks...

man... what a cute couple!

haha I'm so jealous~~

of course I didn't tell him I was jealous but I was... OH WELL... hahahaha

seeing Namkyun hyung was pretty fun


I have so many cousins.. but never had time to see any of them

just because we were always far away from everybody

and we came to the States

Namkyun hyung's family was the only family we had in the States but they lived in Cali

and we lived in Jersey...

coast to coast..


oh well

it's been a while but it was great seeing him again

right now

he's going to SLU med-school

not Washu. but SLU!

played winning eleven with him and bet on every game we played

went bowling together

I bowled 187 for the first time in my life! haha

wow... what a fun!

Thank you so much for everything!!

and Good luck!!!


we left St. Louis and started to drive to Denver, CO

on the way to Denver we stopped at a small town called Concordia, MO

the weather was amazing

and it was a very quite little town where everyone knows each other...

Justin and I were looking for a park to do our daily exercises and ended up in that town.

the highschool team was having a baseball game.

I've never actually watched a baseball game in person

but it was pretty interesting

just like all of those 'high school football movies'

all of their dads were there telling them what to do haha

I met with 4 little kids at a play ground while I was doing the push-ups and jumping jacks...

I remember two of their names...

Logan and Jennifer

9 year old boy and 12 year old girl

Logan was from Texas, but didn't know where

I showed them my photos and gave them a little card

it was just a card but they really loved it.... hmmm

very pure... very innocent....

all they do is enjoy their lives and loving their life... and appreciating the beauty...

I really wanted to photograph them... but their parents were around

and didn't want to get in a trouble so... maybe next time!

yeap yeap yeap

so we got to Denver today....

that was a fun drive!

but it's getting too long so maybe on next post!



45/100 (04.14.09)

On the way to St. Louis, MO

stopped at a town called McLean, IL...

very tiny farm town

lots of old rundown houses and barns laying around here and there

I made a stop on "N. 300 East Road"

I wanted to take some photos there

while I was taking some pictures of the barn

I saw a bird flew in and out

it happened so quick so.... I wasn't able to get a shot.

so I decided to wait...

wait till that bird fly back in to the barn

so the waiting started

waited 5 minutes...

my body started to get really cold

it was about 38' outside

but it was windy

really windy...

and very cloudy...

and gloomy...

[my favorite kind of weather

just because the lighting is very even.... haha]

I was so stupid and didn't bring a jacket with me

but Justin drove off to check out some other places...

so the waiting continued...

10 minutes passed

I started to make bird noise...

of course... the birds aren't that stupid

they won't come near me because i'm trying to make birdy sound...

another 5 minutes passed

and I'm still waiting

at same spot

afraid to look over thinking the bird might fly in and out while I'm looking away

so I started to pray


the lord of bird

let this bird fly in to the barn...

still nothing happens...

another 10 more minutes passed by...

and I'm still waiting

looking at the same place...

waiting for the bird to fly in...

I started to listen

listen to the wind

the sound of grass

sound of birds

and every little sound that was coming

I started to focus

that was very interesting and exciting moment

I started to hear everything

the cars driving by miles away

snakes going by me

birds flying in the sky

I felt like I was conducting an orchestra

what a feeling

standing at one spot for 30 minutes

I started to forget how cold it was

and still waiting for the bird to fly back in

I don't know...

waiting... and waiting...

not even sure if that bird is ever going to come back...

but I'm still waiting

hoping for the bird to fly back

hoping to get one picture of the bird

another 5 minutes passed

Justin came back

and as soon as he came back

the bird showed up!!

but she flew right back out...

maybe she thought I was trying to harm her...

with great hopes of her coming back

I stood there...

few minutes passed by and the bird came back again!!

and this time she posed for me

for few seconds...!

What a feeling!!!

I got pictures!!

I don't know if they are even good enough

but I got it



it was only 35 minutes of waiting...

but wow!

I started to think...

I've only waited for 35 minutes...

God's been waiting for thousands of years...

Father's been waiting for us

waiting for people to realize

and come out of their shell

and start make the change

change themselves


change the people around them

to understand the reality

hoping one person to stand up and 'say'

and lead...

I want to be the one

I'll be the one

That's right!!



42/100 (04.11.09)

Second day in Chicago...
Didn't get to see "CHICAGO" yet...
maybe I have...

It's very different from the cities I've been to so far.

People here seem very different

Just from the people I saw in the city...

Only thing that's similar to other cities are that

people are running

they are exercising

I have not seen anyone in Texas running

no.. I have

I have seen people running


People dress differently from NY or Boston...

it's so much colder and windy compare to other northern cities...


On the way to Chicago,

we made a stop at Indiana Dunes Park by the Lake Michigan

walking up to the beach at Lake Michigan was something else...

it was around 7:30 so we were able to see the sunset.

It was a very cloudy day... not the rainy cloud

but very soft cloud covering the sky

The sunset by the lake was gorgeous...

It wasn't extremely red - orange color of "SUNSET"

it was more of very light pastel baby blue - purple

very calming color...

color of mom...

I don't know if that even make any sense

but I thought of mom... looking at the sunset

someone who can understand everything and will just love you

all they would do is love you...

that was the feeling I had at the moment

very warm and gentle... hahahaha


the great lakes!!

big body of water...

and it was just fresh water!! LAKE!! not an ocean...

seeing that big water

but it didn't smell salty... not like ocean salt water...

haha I LOVE IT!!


so right now...

I'm sitting in a car at a park...

Justin's outside talking to his friend

and I was out there looking around...

I saw two little boys and their dad playing baseball...

what a great picture that is...

Dad playing with his kids on a weekend

that's something every little kid wants

I started to think of my childhood...

when I was those boys age... maybe between 7-10

those two little boys reminded me of my brother and I

older one (me) chubby not athletic at all

little one (my bro) fit, active, and very athletic.

only different thing was...

our dad wasn't around us to play with us...

to play catch with us...

that's something my brother and I wanted

to have dad with us on weekend or any days to play with us

but he was a very busy person

being a pastor... weekends are ofcourse the busiest for him

and during weekdays, he was outside witnessing, visiting members

all that pastor business....

So it was just my bro and I playing together

played catches with each other

we did everything together....

we were more like friends than brothers sometimes.. hahah

of course, we fought alot

but we were pretty tight

seeing those two boys were like looking at myself and my brother

I tried to play sports with him but he was always better than me

He was so much better and quick

I just couldn't be like him....

but I enjoyed that so much.

Because I had someone to play with

someone to spend time with...

that's my brother

up to now...

we do alot of things together

we sleep on the same bed haha

we always shared everything growing up

room of course

we used to wear same clothes

mom would go and buy a shirt for me but at the same time,

she would grab a exact same shirt but just a little smaller


and now...

we are almost same size so we do not have to buy two different size of

same clothing haha I would buy a shirt and that would be his

and his clothes will be mine



I've been having alot of time reflecting and thinking

but now it's time to go out and make work!

So tomorrow...

I'll ask people

I'll get at least two people to participate in my project

and... I'll have 100 people by end of this trip...

I promise...

so far I don't have many

but I will!

Once I'm in the zone of taking pictures and talking to people

I know I can work that magic!!


40/100 (04.09.09)

The Trip is now back on the road.

12 Days in Jersey... longer than I've wanted...

but it's all good. since experience there was well worth 12days of staying.

knowing that there are always people there to go back to see....

meeting new people, new people that change my path of life.

guiding me to a higher and better road...

It's always amazing to know that I'm not the only person living on this world.

There are better people with better purpose...

Just knowing that I can be help to them...

Knowing I can get help from them when I need...

It's amazing feeling and satisfaction when I know I'm not doing this for my selfish reason

but for others... and there are more than enough.. no! there are countless numbers of people who are doing the same...

No! More than I can imagine...

and Knowing that I can always be little help to them...

I feel so grateful...

more than 1/3 have passed..

I am struggling myself...

I can't lose my focus

I need to get myself together

it's not luxurious trip

it's not joy trip

it's the trip I want to challenge myself

to see different things....

I am meeting people...

but to meet the ones I met.. I didn't have to challenge myself...

I met with people I had contact with...

they are not total strangers...

:LKJAEOIHFO{IHE"LK J!!#2q038 p(#_H Q(_H!5!!!!!!

that's how I feel right now...

I shouldn't

but I do........


What a Day!!

37/100 (04.06.09)

What a Day!

Justin met Justin today.

Justin Matos & Justin Kim

two amazing musicians

I want to know how that feels....

to meet a person.. and create something incredible from nothing...

musically or in anyway...

watching them two play

maybe that's how God felt when He created this world...

I mean... I don't know the feeling directly since I'm not the one who played with them...

but just by listening them jamming together and singing along...

I was able to feel that excitement.

Two young people...

Two young and musically talented people...

Two young, musically talented, and focused people...

Two young, musically talented, focused, and loving people

can create and will create something that's so beautiful...

it will make people shed tears....

tears of joy... tears of happiness... and tears of beauty....


CandleLight Inn in Westchester NY

amazing place!


I've never had to wait "2 hours" for my meal...

I mean... I literally had to wait 2hours on MONDAY NIGHT!!!! to get a table..

Yes. it is a very tiny place... but that place was packed!!

but that 2hours didn't feel that long since I had my company

great people to talk to

2 hours flew by and we got a table on the very corner of the restaurant

5 of us...

ordered 70 wings

3 plates of waffle fries

extra large onion rings



I eat my wings... I love my wings... I need my wings... and their wings were

Gorgeously tasteful

couldn't even talk..

I didn't need to talk... that's what it was

we didn't have to talk to tell each other how amazing that tasted!


best feeling ever~!!

service... eh.... but I understand

the whole atmosphere there... they weren't there for the service

everyone was there for their food!

you get big pitcher of iced water

big stacks of napkins

a bowl to through the bones out to....

and that's it!

if you have your hands and if they are working.... than that's all you need!


oh they don't take "Cards" you must have Cash!!


what a day!

great company

great food

and great music! "LIVE MUSIC"

can't beat those combination!



36/100 (04.05.09)

Time for me to restart....


1/3 has passed

according to my plan... I should have 36 ppl added to my project... one person a day...


sadly.... I didn't get that many people so far....

I need to recharge myself, refuel myself....


Today was an amazing day....

I was honored to meet IJN again

hear her graceful voice

and listen to her amazing dreams and hopes...

gives me goosebumps every time I hear her speak.

"Best Kept Secret"

I want to be the person who can represent...

hearing lots of Jersey people speak gave me different perspective

it's definitely different compared to Texas.

but in a good way....

I enjoyed listening to them....

maybe that's why InJin Nim does it also...

different types of people with their own ideas of themselves... and dreams

I want to hear more....

I want to learn more....

more about people.... not just people around me but anybody I see....

I want to be able to read them... and hear them....


Day 35/100 (04.04.09)

Today is 35th day of my trip...

and it's been a week since I came to Jersey

I had so much things I wanted to do here...

I don't feel like I have accomplished everything I wanted to do...

but at least I've tried..

and gotten some positive feed backs from the places so that's good... I guess...

I was hoping to have alot of people added to my project but...

I didn't get so many from the city...

I might have to change myself...

I need to change myself...

I started this trip to challenge myself and to get out of my comfort zone...

but this is getting really comfortable for me

because I'm not pushing enough.

I tell myself I will and I try

but I get scared and intimidated...



This week has been pretty sweet.

Starting Monday and today, Saturday

Meeting with some of my old friends

having some relaxing time

checked out some amazing works

it's always great to see the works that I get inspire

I don't know...

it's weird... I love everything...

I love painting, drawing, music, and any form of art... they are truely amazing.

but for me to feel inspired.... it has to have people in them...

even the photographs....

I love and appreciate everything.... landscape, still life, and all...

but the ones that involve humanism... something that deals with people...

just like the one from last post... amazes me...!

I love seeing the emotions in the work...

I want to be there

I want to be able to talk to the people inside...

Hear their voices...

Look into their eyes...

but through other poeple's work. I find my self standing right by them...

and hearing their stories....

amazing feeling!

but very sad....

can't stop crying sometimes...

I hear their stories in my head... and they are just too painful.... and sometimes very gorgeous....


walking in New York City....

I walked by so many different people

people from differnt part of the world.

people with different purposes...

people with different destinations...

people waiting for something

people rushing to get some place

people wandering around... trying to find a place to go....

people sitting in the corner... waiting for the tourists to drop a coin...

people on the street trying to get their business flowing...

and myself.... watching everyone of those people....

trying to figure out where I fit in...

trying to figure out if I can handle that...

I didn't get the answer yet....

I have so many more places to go

so many more people to meet....

I'll figure it out later if there's one place I want to be in...

but for now....

there's not a place I want to settle down...

not untill I realize what I really have to do with my life...

I mean... I know what I have to do.. but to fully understand the other's opinion about my work.


I can find a place to come back....


Remembering the 'first times'

31/100 (03.31.09)

It's been 31 days since I started the trip.

Today I went to the city to check out some galleries and walk around to see if anyone's interested in participating my project.

Waiting for the bus on Broad Ave. and Fort Lee Rd. in Leonia...
I was some what weirded out... because I saw more Korean people walking around in the town than any other people... at some point I thought I was in Korea because of that reason.

I used to live here... not so long ago...

but I have changed...

on the bus to NYC.. I saw so many familiar places...

but they seemed too strange to me...
I am not from here anymore...

walking down the 8th avenue towards 24 street to goto Bruce Silverstein Gallery...
I passed so many places that I used to walk everyday when I first came to America...

NYC was the first place I lived when my family moved to the states.
we lived on 8th / 34th the New Yorker Hotel....

I went to my first school here in the states on 8th / 25th
place called "St. Columba School" a small catholic school...

I played a very first basketball at that school...
no I didn't play basketball...
I was made fun of by the kids...

I've never played basketball in Korea...
and one time
some of the kids gave me the ball and asked me to shoot...
I was kind of watching them play so I tried to imitate their dribbling and shooting...
I made the shot... and I thought I did well
but they started laughing so hard....

so I went straight home....

that was my first time playing basketball.....

but in school, I was some what famous.. haha
because at the time, everyone was into Jackie Chan and Jet Li movies.. and they were trying to copy the jumps they do in the movies and do the kicks...
and of course just like every other Koreans... I took couple years of TaeKwonDo and HapKiDo..
so I knew my kicks and jumps... which made me a Korean Jackie Chan...
everytime they saw me walking down the stairs they asked me to jump down....
and when we were out side on the play ground, they asked me to do some kicks...
now I think of it...
they were still making fun of me...
oh well.....

I really hated my school in the city...
I did not speak any English...
I did not understand what anybody was saying..
Every little word they say sounded like they were talking bad things about me...
I wanted to just walk out of the class everyday...

Being an olny asian in the class...
only person to not speak English...
and I was the shortest in the class....

oh well....

When I was in NY / NJ
I didn't know I wanted to be a photographer...
I didn't know anything about photography
or never thought of taking pictures... nope...

but the funny thing is that...

B&H one of the biggest photography shop in the states was right next to where my dad used to park his car... around the corner from where I used to live...
I walked by that building at least 4 times a week... and never have entered....

School of ICP one of my favorite place to get in....
on 6th/43rd
is on the same block as the church I used to go to...
I never knew that place exsited...
I walked by that building at least 3 times a week... and never knew what that place was.....

I visited 2 galleries today
Bruce Silverstein and Aperture...

Bruce Silverstein (535W 24th St.)
had E.O. Hoppe and Andre Kertesz
I don't think I've ever seen E.O. Hoppe's work...
I've seen quite few of Kertesz works though....

looking at those pictures for hours gave me a very weird chill....
at one moment, I was in the photo...
I felt like I was there with Hoppe... while he's photographing...
I saw more than just one little frame of an image...
I was there to take that exact same photo...
I was amazed by his perspectives...
and same with Kertesz...
two very different photogrphers...
but I felt the same while seeing their work...
I wasn't just looking at the photographs but I was feeling them...

I went to Aperture(547 W 27th 4th floor) after....
they had Intended Consequences: Rwandan Children Born of Rape by Jonathan Torgovnik
go check that out!!! what a project...
I spent good 3 hours reading everyone's stories and looking at the portraits...
watching the video...
couldn't stop crying
and I was very disturbed by the stories...

each woman had their stories to tell...
not a happy story...
but something that needed to be told...
and Jonathan brought all of them together... what an amazing work!
They did not make the choice to be a mom
they did not make a choice to lose their family members...
they did not want the genocide to happen...
all they wanted was to let go...
and to be saved...
to have a happy life...
but not anymore....

many of them are HIV positive because of Genocide and what happened during the time...

that's not something I or anybody would want to see...
and imagining to go through....

During interview Jonathan mentioned...
all the photojournalists are the activists... and it's hard to make the boundaries between them...

I... want to be one of them...
not just to make people aware of what has happened or what is happening...
but to make those better and bring it to the level where I can help...

I want my works to have that kind of strong sense of humanism... and power...

what a day...

too much to think in one day...

I didn't get to photograph anybody but... oh well
I'll try tomorrow
and on and on....


Back in Jersey.

27/100 (03.27.09)

it's been too long since I've posted anything here.

since the last post
I've been to Connecticut, Boston, Maine....
too many good things happened... amazing memories... good laughters and good food...

now I'm back in Jersey...
will be spending some time here
goto the city and check out some good work... make some good work... and meet more people to continue on my journey...

I'd love to write about my experience in this past week.
hopefully I can get some time to write something up....

didn't get a chance to work on the photos or anything... dang...


Good Old Memories....

18/100 (03.18.09)

It's been good so far.
18 days on the road.
Drove 4,600 miles...
Drove through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and now in New Jersey, the place I grew up....

I met Yonji in Virginia...
Last time I saw her was 1.5 yrs ago in summer... very briefly so I don't really remember much...
all I remember of her is that she was a little girl... very little... in middleschool....
and now she's in College... dang...

Oh well... spending time with her was very gorgeous....
time well spent.

seeing her... talking to her gave me inspiration and hope....

seeing her little drawings hit me really hard...
she loves to draw portraits... just like I love taking portraits...
but she spends her time studying the person and spends her time to make one work...
when for me it takes at most 1 second to make the portrait...

she puts so much more effort and energy to create a one work and to capture that emotion in drawing.... wow
I was blown away by her talent... and made me think of myself and the way I work...

Photographing is so much easier and faster compare to the drawing..
and at the same time drawing has more personal touch to it than photography... I don't know...
I think that's how others see it... I do too...
oh well...
now I gotta start working hard to capture everyone's soul...
work hard to have people open up to me... and allow me to capture their natural beauty than "Photo Smile"

Yonji! Good luck!! and believe in yourself.
you are an amazing person.... you make people be themselves when they are around you...
that's an incredible ability to have.
and you can use that in any kind of field. from graphic designing, business, and to art or anything that you maybe doing.
and... good luck with your midterms! sorry took so much time from you. haha

drove from Virgina to New Jersey today.

Driving is so easy now... and especially long distance...
I drove 6hours today and it was nothing.

Driving through Leonia, NJ... the place I have most of my childhood memories... was some what sad...

I had really good friends here...
I loved the school here...
I enjoyed every moment I had...
But I had to move to Dallas... not by my choice....

Moving to Dallas was not a bad thing after all...
It changed me.. made me a better person...
a person with bigger dreams and bigger heart...

If I have stayed here in Jersey... I don't know what kind of person I would have become.
maybe gotten into so much problem...
and of course, wouldn't be doing photography...
I maybe was trying to become a pro soccer player... or I don't know..
still dreaming of becoming an engineer.. who knows....

My memories from Jersey... and the lessons I learned from Jersey... helped me get through myself.
made me become a bigger person...

meeting up with my old highschool friends was very interesting...
seeing them all grown up...
of course.. I've seen them couple years ago and almost every year.
but now... it's all different
everyone's doing their own thing... have their business, going to school, trying to become a teacher...

But somehow... I couldn't connect with them deeply....
the conversation stayed on the air...
the way we were thinking was very different...
It wasn't bad at all but it was interesting...
we are still same people... but the way we are living now is very different from one another..
I felt very distant from them...

As much as I've missed them and wanting to talk to them...
the time have never stop running...
and we all kept doing our own things in different places....

That's how the world is...
the distant and time changes everything...

But we are still friends... not just friends but good friends.... sharing same memories of youth..
spent so much time together...
laughing... talking... fighting... sometimes crying... haha

every little moments added up and created me...
that's how I became who I am now.

and I'll be changing everyday.... to better myself.....

oh well.... it's getting really late...

I'll post up photos later....


I have to start challenging myself.

17/100 (03.17.09)

I started this trip to get out from comfort zone...
To start something new and exciting...
But somehow... I feel so comfortable now...
I am not pushing myself enough...

I am not pushing myself enough physically and artistically...
I don't think I am an artist... I don't want to be called as an ARTIST.
but... photography is a form of art.
Therefore, whether I want myself to be an artist or not.... my work will be considered as Art...

To create something that's meaningful...
Not just easy and beautiful looking... but yet something that has stories and forces behind them...

From the early photos I've first encountered... the ones that touched my heart...
Not because they were gorgeous images but they were very strong, bold, and meaningful...
I need to start working towards my goal.. my dream...
can't just stay above the surface and keep making that's easy for me...
I need to start putting myself out there... with everyone ... to see everything... and feel what they are feeling...

That's what I need to start doing now...

Thank you very much for making me realize this again!


Precious moments.

15/100 (03.15.09)

If there's one thing I've been feeling recently...
no I've been feeling this way and felt this way for a while... but yeah...
I really enjoy those little precious moments...

a little joke with friends, a little laughter with people, enjoying some good food with friends and family...
watching little kids laughing and smiling over nothing...
sometimes those moments can be very easy to just let them pass by us and take them for granted...

but no....

all of those little moments add up and make a big memory...
make a big smile later on your day...
give you something joyful to look back....

I want to make and remember more of those little memories during this trip.
meet with more people.
people with genuine hearts... someone who cares of others...
making such memories are so precious and priceless...
for some people, those memories last a long time... including my self.

I see people...
and try to understand each person where they are coming from...
I see their attitudes...
especially when they are encountering with a stranger...
as a stranger, and no body to the place... it is very special feeling when someone approaches me and greets me just because I came to the place where they are used to....
Miami was a place where I felt very welcome...


I want to be able to make those little memorable experiences to the people I meet.
Just by saying Hello. but in a silly way maybe... or something to make that person smile...
laugh... and don't think about the worries they have...
to give them something joyful and positive....


Ken, Justin, and I went to the China Town in DC 7th and H. next to the Verizon Center.

main reason we went to the china town was to go to Chinese Buffet and eat alot... ALOT!!!
but the first restaurant we went to wasn't a buffer place..
so Ken suggested we go check out the place where they make their own noodle.
"Chinatown Express"

as we walked around the corner, I saw a big window and saw this guy stretching his noodles out... pretty impressive!

walked into very small restaurant, tables were right next to each other...
really close together...
hardly had any space to walk in to seat.

we decided to order few plates and share... since that's how it always works. hahahaha

half order of Peking Duck, 2 orders of dumplings, Beef Lo Mein, and Lobster Fried Rice.
dumpling was a bit bland... i think because the skin part was bit too thick and the stuffing was too blended to taste and feel the texture. but still better than average.

Beef Lo Mein and Lobster Fried Rice...
probably the best LoMein i've tried so far. of course... all the chinese food I've tried are just fast food places.. but still the noodle was very thick and tender... almost like Udon noodle...
Lobster Fried Rice.... man... haha good stuff!!! a bit pricey for tiny bit of lobsters inside.. but the taste was good.

Peking Duck.... I thought we ordered a half duck... but it was almost like quarter duck... quarter of body.... hmm anyhow it was very small for the price.

but again it tasted really good. haha
Loved everything!!!

after lunch, we watched Watchman....
I was hoping it to be a "SUPER HERO MOVIE"
but it was more of intellectual philosophical mind bothering movie...
no..... it was good....
I guess....
Justin and Ken enjoyed it so that's all good. hahaha

our time in DC was pretty good!

good food,
good talk,
good laughters,
good company...

listening Ken's stories about Marines.... and his job was the best of course. hahaha

hmmm maybe.... I can call up on them when I have my first big show.. and have them do all the honors and the good stuff.. haha


we are going to Virginia....
to West Virginia..
and to BOSTON!


It's always the one good thing.

14/100 (03.14.09) - afternoon.

my first impression of DC was horrible
we drove 1,300 miles...
got here around 11:50 PM Friday...

the traffic was ridiculous.
it's mid night!!!
people need to go home and sleep! not driving around at mid night!

the road condition was terrible.
it was the worst road I've ever driven on...
I've drove 6 hours straight.. and that last 10 minutes... it ruined everything.!
my car can't handle big bumps. no way. and I need my car for 85 more days...
so I was pretty upset about everything...

oh well

I don't think I'll ever have a good first impression of any places... haha

the best thing that Justin and I did here in DC area was meeting up with Ken Hernandez.
One of the best person you'll ever meet. and of the BEST LOOKING PERSON.
I've been telling him this for so long now...... he's a model material... haha
just like SeongWoo... hmmm
maybe I should send their photos to model agencies..... or not.. .haha

It's always nice to see a familiar face whenever I'm in a new place...
kinda feel comforting...
not just physically.. but more heartistically...

Just knowing that I'm not alone
that there's someone else that's with me at the moment feels amazing...

I think that's why I'm enjoying more
because Justin came with me.
if I came by my self... than I would probably have gone through or going through some hard depression.... questioning my self....
but since I have Justin to share the beauty of the world with... to share the excitement, to share the struggles... I'm growing even more... and learning even more...

Saturday morning around 11 A.M.
Justin and I drove out to Downtown DC to meet with Ken.
we drove through capitol rd. all the way to Capitol Building...
again.... it was Saturday morning but the traffic was horrible and the parking spot was non existing

met with Ken at the Washington Monument "Tall White Pointy Thingy"

we drove to where Ken is staying at
(by the way Ken is in USMC and stationed in DC. right now)
walked pass by Marine Barrack.
I was really excited to see Marine Barrack! (thought of a video game....) hahahaha

anyhow, we walked around Ken's neighborhood, and went into this restaurant called
"Match Box"

pretty fancy looking restaurant... and I saw pizza oven as we were walking upstairs.
'must have some good pizza here'

the Waitress greeted us
and started her little intro about specials and all...
she was mentioning about wine and we weren't so interested..
she goes "oh... sorry I have to mention it... ehhh" haha funny.
and goes on about her daily specials.. but guess what she forgot!!!
opens her lil check book with cheat sheets in them and started telling us about it again.
I didn't even listen... hmmm

that's how customers felt when I was trying to introduce new items to them... haha funny

we ordered a crab cake as an appetizer and order a large pie.- sausage and onion.
it was very very delicious!

better than Papa Johns' "CAJUN SHRIMP" -Only in Louisiana.
so we ordered one more large pie - match box meat
and again very very delicious!

so after lunch at pretty fancy pizza place.
we visited Ken's room. "Marine Base"

it was a different experience.
very different from the place I was imagining.
it was almost like a college dorm.
they had sink,
two beds, two desks, XBOX360.

Listening to his stories about his work was very interesting.
A Marine... that represents the Marines..
the Face of Marines...

it's always fascinating to learn something new and hear new things...

hope everything works out bro...
really. really. Good luck!


Driving.... sucks....

14/100 (03.14.09)

Driving from Miami to Atlanta....
from Atlanta to D.C.
1,300 miles......

drove in 2 days.


3-4 hour driving is now became nothing to us.
I feel like I can just drive down to Houston to say hello to people from Dallas if I want to...
and drive to Austin for fun...

It used to be a long and boring ride...
but not anymore.

some good music, good company will take care of everything.

LISTEN TO THIS while reading this... haha

I enjoyed driving to Atlanta from Miami so much.
Drove all the way through US 27.
very nice scenery and good music... kept both of us awake and alert.

Of course... Palm Trees everywhere
lakes along the side of the road.

one point we started to smell this very sweet and light scent...
started wonder what they were... where they were coming from...
and later I noticed little orange dots on the trees.......... ORANGE TREES!!!

that's right. I finally saw Florida Orange Trees.

we didn't see any on the way down to Miami so we were very disappointed...
dang. we are in Florida but where are the Oranges?!??!
and there it was ...
trees all along the side of the road...
amazingly sweet scent... wow...

I really wanted to stop the car and just pick the oranges off the tree and eat them...
but.... that was stealing.... hmmm

but next time when I drive on US 27.... I'll definitely stop by and get some fresh oranges. haha

and listening to "Jai Ho" from slumdog millionaire was really amazing also.
Justin and I,
Dancing and singing out loud... hahahaha

really relaxing...

just driving on the highway with our arms out the window... feeling the breeze and beautiful surroundings.... made the whole drive worth it.
Plus. the memories we made in Miami kept us really hyper too.


so we spent a night at a rest stop.
got up... washed my hair in the rest stop bathroom sink....
started driving again to Atlanta...
it was a very short drive but... very tiring..

so the story begins...


we got into a motel room in Atlanta... and we did our daily push up exercise...
and all of a sudden, I wanted to cut my hair...

asked Justin to cut them off for me...


so we started to put plastic bags on the floor and I put plastic bag over me...
started cutting with regular paper scissors...

came our really ugly...

I hated it...


what a stupid choice...



worst hair cut ever..

so we decided to buzz it off with buzzer..

I had to wait in the room with plastic bag over me for one hour till Justin came back with a buzzer.

2 on the side
4 on the top...

that's how short my hair became...

oh well...

my hairs gone now... no more dreadlocks.

maybe 3yrs later... or never... who knows... T_T

my hair cut took 2 hours total..
Justin didn't even know how to use a stupid hair buzzer...

dang... oh well hahaha

anyhow.. we are in DC now...
drove 1,300 miles from Miami..
it's really cold up here...
I'm looking forward to go to Boston next week... will be very exciting.! YES!


Beautiful City, Great Laughs, and Amazing People.

10/100 (03.10.09)



My first impression of the Miami wasn't so good. I wanted to get out of here really fast.
From the driving and the experience at the beach... wasn't so pleasant...... Until I met with these amazing people down here.

I realized that I can not judge one place, or sometimes one person, just by their first impression.
Because you never know what's coming, what's behind them....
I really want to understand each and everyone I meet... everyplace I go...
I try to see the good in them. Try to see the positive more than the flaws, try to see the beauty in every smile.

Just like New Orleans...
my first impression of Miami was horrible... but yet I haven't experienced any people...
all I have seen was just one little part of the city where everyone just do whatever they want to do.

But after meeting up with these great guys... changed everything that I thought about Miami.
SeongWoo, Yastaka, Tacto, InSun, Thomas, and of course JuYoung.... I had such a great time hanging out with them.
Every little moment was so precious... wanted to record everything just to look back while driving.... to see the moment that we shared... to smile again.... to laugh out loud.... haha
It seriously was one of the best times I had in a while.
Thank you so much again guys!

Without people... I wouldn't be here....

It was people... that changed my life... the way I see my self and others... and the way I approach each individual and photographing them...

Before I realized the beauty in people.. I was just a no body... who wanted to become an Engineer make lots of money.....
but after I experienced the Love of human being.... I wanted to become a photographer to tell the stories of people... tell the story of love.. inspiration... hope... dream... and on...
and that's what I'm doing right now... that's what I'm trying to do....
Meeting new people
Talking to them
Understand where they are coming from
and feel their sincere heart.... and love....

I feel really lucky right now that my parents have joined the church... and I was born...
All the struggles I had gone through... all the questions I had... and on....
helped me... and made me realize what true love is...
what the real meaning of living is....
and gave me these amazing people to feel so close with...

without this church.

I wouldn't have existed... or had a chance to be this kind of person who would want to see the greater of people...
and had opportunities to meet my amazing brothers and sisters...

It took a long time for me to be able to understand all these and feel them this way...
but now I have understood everything
Not just with my brain.... but with my heart....

It's only been 10 days since I left home...
but I've realized so much in life.
how stupid I was...
how bad of son I was to my parents...
I'm reflecting back at my self....

Watching SeongWoo made me think again about everything....
I really want to be a better older brother to everyone...
I want to try harder and take a really good care of them to create this beautiful community where all the other kids from the states, around the world will come and say...
"Wow, you guys have an amazing community! I'm jealous"
Make Dallas the Place to be.
Not because of the city but because of us.

There are so many amazingly talented people out there...
and of course here in Miami had some crazy talented people...
Yastaka and Tacto, musician brothers.
Thomas a super athletic
InSun very smart, sharp, and gives an amazing massage.
JuYoung going to be an amazing soccer player.
and all with great hearts!

The World is a beautiful place!

That's why I'm still loving it! and can't wait to see it around..!!


Definitely a place to be back!



7/100 (03.07.09)

Driving to Miami was..... just toooooooo long.
Why does Miami have to so far down south?

First thing came into my mind when I entered Miami was..
Dang this place is beautiful... I want to live here....

but for some reason I feel like that in every state.
maybe because it's very different from Dallas and where I spent most of my time.

First thing Justin and I decided to do was to go down to beach and check it out!
But, trying to find the right place go was ridiculous,
driving around the city....
don't know where anything is at...
don't know where's the good place to go..

Plus, everything looked so amazing here somehow...
even little puppies walking around looked better than Dallas...

It is only March.. and Miami seemed like it's peak of the summer time... I'm sure when summer comes it's going to be so much nicer.

Walking around South Beach was hectic experience.
So many tourists, so many bars, so many hotels, so many scooters, so many cars, just overflowing with everything...
Later I found out it wasn't anything compare to spring break, or summer time, but still it was too chaotic for me.

I always wanted to be in the city. Just to see people, and be involved with the busy schedule... but this place wasn't the place I was hoping to see.

Trying to find the place to use the restroom... OMG
walked around for at least good 40 minutes going into every store, every restaurant... but they all said restroom not available.. ofcourse..

Walked into Police Station.. and finally... they had one available... haha

Driving out to find the place to sleep was another thing.

got to walmart parking lot, parked our car all the way in the corner and finally called a night.
it was only 9PM. but i was just too tired...


Driving... Driving... Driving.... and more Driving

Day 6/100 (03.06.07)

How stupid are we?

We though.... their name was "CHIMES"
so we called them Mr. and Mrs. Chimes... but they weren't Chimes....
it was just because they had so many wind chimes at the house..... oh man...

In the morning of 3.5.09 we had a really nice breakfast and talk with Jill (the owner, we called her Mrs. Chimes....;;)
the bread was fabulous!
and not to mention... the CHEESE!! OMG! one of the best!

Talking with Jill helped me realize one more time what my trip is about.
To meet people, talk to people, listen to their stories, and share our hearts together.

They had their own story of starting that business and how they kept going....
I was able to see her amazingly beautiful heart.
Motherly heart. and as a Fellow human being who's constantly trying to be good to others.

Justin and I gave them a thank you present. I gave them a copy of my book, and Justin made a CD of his music.
...... I signed the book "Thank you Mr. Chimes..." They are NOT CHIMES!!!!!! hahaha
we didn't find out till the very last moment when I said thank you Mr. Chimes... and Jill(the wife/owner) started to laugh and say that's priceless.

anyhow. it was the best experience we had in Louisiana. not just New Orleans but in Louisiana.
Chimes Bed & Breakfast

off to Alabama.

we were planning to go to Georgia.. but realized it was a very stupid decision since to go to Georgia, we would have to drive up north.. and again drive down south to get to Florida.

So we decided to go to Florida first and than to Georgia on the way to D.C.

since we changed our route, we decided to stop by Alabama church and see the church community.

Since it was a week day, the church was locked.

but luckily, Mr. Moraes came to us and took us to his house where we met his son Daiko.

Daiko and Justin met in CheongPyeong Last summer,
Daiko, 19 years old, Highschool Senior, very talented Artist.

we visited Master Marines

I had a chance to meet with the President of M.M. -Brett Dungan... i think that's how he spells his last name.... ehh
He had his passion. and confident in his work, and sense of accomplishment.
I was blessed with his guidence about life.
How young people should live.

walked around for a bit.

Alabama had a very good community, everyone seemed very close, and supportive.
and the church property was gorgeous.

I got to photograph Daiko for my project. YES! haha
that's always good.

Mr. Moraes took us to the Chinese Buffet
I was had an honor to listen to his dream, and passion, and ideas of life.
What a experience.

That's what I love about people,
we all have dream... passion... and stories.
I love to hear about them.
They may not be my dream or passion but gets me excited just by listening to their stories.
Wishing I can be there to see everyone accomplish their goals.

Definetly a place I want to come back.

Drove 4more hours at night towards florida.

slept in the rest area.

drove 12 more hours...

went to the state park and washed on the side of the road.... since we had to pay so much money to just use the shower.... decided to just go around and wash outside.

Today... wasn't exciting at all....
Didn't get to take so many pictures, or even meet anybody..
all we did was drive... drive... and drive a little more...

right now I'm in a very small Motel in Fort Myers area called "Green Wave" on Palm Beach Blvd.

very tired.....

I want to meet people.
that's the main purpose of my trip.
To meet people, tell them about my project.
listen to their stories,
understand each individuals.

But for now, I have to get to Boston by 21st.
today is 7th...
goto Miami,
Vero Beach
West Virginia
New Jersey.
and to Boston...

I got photoshop running now. so by next post, I'll upload photos.!


I'm such a high miantenance...

4/100 (03.04.09)

Day 3 and Day 4 was quite interesting... and VERY LONG
it was the first two days we are actually on the road to get to some places.

For me, it was pretty relaxing because Matos drove the most, since he was trying to get used driving stick around. Stop & Go, small hills, park and reverse.. all that good stuff.

Driving down I-10 -> East
right now we have about 970miles on our car. 970/20,000(+-) not so bad. haha

on the way to Louisiana, we stopped by some of the most bizarre and the most gorgeous places.

We've been on the road for only 2days... but felt, and experienced so much than living at home for all these years.
Everything I see is very new.
Can't even explain with the words.... that's also because my writing isn't good enough.. haha

This morning, we drove around 3 hours... just to find a place to take a shower.
all because I wanted to take a shower.
I need my SHOWER!!! haha

We went to KOA camping site... they were charging us $5 per person.
went to the Pilot truck stop, they were charging us $10 per person....

finally... we found a water pipe on the side of road, just out side of a traveler welcome center...
So I washed my hair and did everything I can possibly to wash my self up.

I need my shower... everyday.... dang... this is tough.


I say Louisiana is the state of bridges....
It seemed like I drove over the more bridges than just flat road.

swamps, and bridges...

The main reason I started my trip East was to have some good cajun food to start my trip.
But... till now, no cajun food.
maybe tomorrow... on the way to Georgia, I'll get some good Cajun Food....


"Chimes Bed&Breakfast"
would be my best experience in Louisiana.
LA was really scary... and frustrating. and especially New Orleans... OMG!

walking around down town New Orleans was the worst experience I had so far.
everyone was looking at me... "what are you doing here?"
I was very intimidated by the people of New Orleans.

Justin and I walked in to the New Orleans Public Library to charge our phones, laptop, camera and to look up for places to go.....

First thing the 'security' told me was to leave my bag in the room.
okay..... so..... why??
I guess it was because of the threat, or preventing from stealing.... okay whatever.

I walked in to the room where everyone dropped their 'big' bags....
i saw all kinds of bags in there.... and no one was watching.
anybody could walk in drop, and pick up....
I'm not leaving my bag in that room... that's the firs thing came into my mind.
I don't care... even if I can't get into the library with my bag. I'll just not go in.
I won't risk of loosing my life just to use a stupid public facility.

I mean... think about it.

there's no one... NO ONE watching the bags.. the security dude was just sitting out side on a small chair... the chair wasn't even big enough for him.
and there was no name tag or what so ever to put on to the bag that the owners can come and check out. it was just walk in drop it, comeback later and pick it up. What a stupid place.
and to leave my life in there... without any liability...? NO! NEVER

New Orleans... NO! that's a NO city...
from the beginning.. all I saw was this big cemeteries... everywhere.... and big trees.... and lots of people...

Anyhow, I was just too tired to do anything that day... started to call around some places to sleep.
Everywhere we called were just too pricey for us.
So we decided to call the Hostel.
"India Hostel" supposed to be a good one in New Orleans.

first impression when I walked into the place was... wow. this place is crazy.
saw so many things put to the wall. I could tell this place has been around for a while.
Whole History of that place was there. from the faded photographs to recent post card.
the owner looking guy also had a very distinctive look.
charged us 22/person... oh well it's cheaper than all of the other places.
so we followed this guy through the house and got to the dorm.

one tiny room with 10 bunks..... OMG
$44 and... we had to share this small room with this many people.
extra $10 would get us our own room, nice shower, tv, internet access....

It could be a good experience. but. oh well... no no

So we came back out asked for the money back.
ofcourse... the guy was pissed. we asked for the money back.
but we just couldn't stay there. whole atmosphere there didn't suit us.

started to call around some places again.... came to this place
"Chimes Bed & Breakfast"
okay.... they have bed and food... let's call..
Justin started to talk to the guy on the phone.
the price was.... $120!!!!!!!!
so he wanted to just say thank you.
but the owner of the place asked what's wrong.
Justin told him the story of us... 2 college students traveling.... tight budget....

Heavenly Father! Thank you!

he told us to come. He said he was in a good mood and felt like helping out tonight.

but ofcourse... this stupid New Orleans won't just let us go there so easy...
we had to drive around 30minutes just to find the BRIDGE to cross over the river.
he gave us a very good discount!! Thank you again very much....

So now,
We are staying at this amazing place call "Chimes Bed & Breakfast"
we were lucky to find this place. and Mr. Chimes helped us alot! Thank you very much!!
I'd like to leave something for them...

This place... is the most luxurious place I would probably sleep during my trip.
A big studio like place, two story, amazingly comfortable bed, really nice shower, big couch....
I don't mind having this place as my home almost. Perfect size for me....

Maybe if I get a place, I would re-model it like this... haha

Guess what we had for dinner!?!?
We ordered a papa johns pizza! "Cajun Shrimp" only in Louisiana. haha it tasted really good. maybe because I was starving. But oh well. I enjoyed alot!

Tomorrow, I'll be start driving to Georgia, and to Florida.... wow...