37/100 (04.06.09)
What a Day!
Justin met Justin today.
Justin Matos & Justin Kim
two amazing musicians
I want to know how that feels....
to meet a person.. and create something incredible from nothing...
musically or in anyway...
watching them two play
maybe that's how God felt when He created this world...
I mean... I don't know the feeling directly since I'm not the one who played with them...
but just by listening them jamming together and singing along...
I was able to feel that excitement.
Two young people...
Two young and musically talented people...
Two young, musically talented, and focused people...
Two young, musically talented, focused, and loving people
can create and will create something that's so beautiful...
it will make people shed tears....
tears of joy... tears of happiness... and tears of beauty....
CandleLight Inn in Westchester NY
amazing place!
I've never had to wait "2 hours" for my meal...
I mean... I literally had to wait 2hours on MONDAY NIGHT!!!! to get a table..
Yes. it is a very tiny place... but that place was packed!!
but that 2hours didn't feel that long since I had my company
great people to talk to
2 hours flew by and we got a table on the very corner of the restaurant
5 of us...
ordered 70 wings
3 plates of waffle fries
extra large onion rings
I eat my wings... I love my wings... I need my wings... and their wings were
Gorgeously tasteful
couldn't even talk..
I didn't need to talk... that's what it was
we didn't have to talk to tell each other how amazing that tasted!
best feeling ever~!!
service... eh.... but I understand
the whole atmosphere there... they weren't there for the service
everyone was there for their food!
you get big pitcher of iced water
big stacks of napkins
a bowl to through the bones out to....
and that's it!
if you have your hands and if they are working.... than that's all you need!
oh they don't take "Cards" you must have Cash!!
what a day!
great company
great food
and great music! "LIVE MUSIC"
can't beat those combination!
What a Day!
Justin met Justin today.
Justin Matos & Justin Kim
two amazing musicians
I want to know how that feels....
to meet a person.. and create something incredible from nothing...
musically or in anyway...
watching them two play
maybe that's how God felt when He created this world...
I mean... I don't know the feeling directly since I'm not the one who played with them...
but just by listening them jamming together and singing along...
I was able to feel that excitement.
Two young people...
Two young and musically talented people...
Two young, musically talented, and focused people...
Two young, musically talented, focused, and loving people
can create and will create something that's so beautiful...
it will make people shed tears....
tears of joy... tears of happiness... and tears of beauty....
CandleLight Inn in Westchester NY
amazing place!
I've never had to wait "2 hours" for my meal...
I mean... I literally had to wait 2hours on MONDAY NIGHT!!!! to get a table..
Yes. it is a very tiny place... but that place was packed!!
but that 2hours didn't feel that long since I had my company
great people to talk to
2 hours flew by and we got a table on the very corner of the restaurant
5 of us...
ordered 70 wings
3 plates of waffle fries
extra large onion rings
I eat my wings... I love my wings... I need my wings... and their wings were
Gorgeously tasteful
couldn't even talk..
I didn't need to talk... that's what it was
we didn't have to talk to tell each other how amazing that tasted!
best feeling ever~!!
service... eh.... but I understand
the whole atmosphere there... they weren't there for the service
everyone was there for their food!
you get big pitcher of iced water
big stacks of napkins
a bowl to through the bones out to....
and that's it!
if you have your hands and if they are working.... than that's all you need!
oh they don't take "Cards" you must have Cash!!
what a day!
great company
great food
and great music! "LIVE MUSIC"
can't beat those combination!
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